帝诺医疗成立于2006年,坚守:制造更多易用、无创、无药、价优的穿戴式医疗器械为使命,践行:让产品趋向“电子药物”,打造让全世界更多患者受益为愿景。应用神经调控和肌电传感核心技术,聚焦移动医疗、诊断医疗、医用耗材。在产品应用层面,帝诺医疗注重和聚焦产品的智能化、耗材化和数据化;在产品临床层面,帝诺医疗注重和聚焦产品的效果、效率和效益。与国内外著名高校和医疗机构相联合,与高端专业临床专家和智造领先技术专家相融合,与人工智能和物联网先进技术相接合,构建医生、患者、经销商一体化的共赢平台。 Founded in 2006, dno Medical insists on the mission of making more easy to use, non invasive, drug free and cost effective wearable medical devices, practicing the vision of making products more "electronic drugs" and benefiting more patients around the world. The core technologies of neural regulation and EMG sensing are applied to focus on mobile medical, diagnostic medical and medical consumables. At the product application level, dno Medical pays attention to and focuses on the intelligence, consumables and data of the product; at the product clinical level, dno Medical pays attention to and focuses on the effect, efficiency and benefit of the product. Combine with famous universities and medical institutions at home and abroad, integrate with high end professional clinical experts and leading technical experts, and combine with AI and advanced technology of the Internet of things to build a win-win platform for doctors, patients and dealers.